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Image Name Category Description Cores Cases Price
B-64Kid-1 Kidney Kidney cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 64 cases/ 64 cores 64 64 225
B-64Lun-1 Lung Lung adenocarcinoma tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 64 cases/64 cores, relacing LC641 64 64 165
B-64Ynb-2b Brain Neuroblastoma and peripheral nerve tissue array, including TNM and INSS stage, 32 cases/64 cores, replacing NB642a 64 32 255
B-66Liv-1 Liver Different stages of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 66 cases/66 cores 66 66 225
B-68Liv-1 Liver Liver cancer (stage III) and liver tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 34 cases/68 cores 68 34 255
B-68Lun-1 Lung Lung small cell carcinoma array with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 68 cases/68 cores 68 68 255
B-68Mes-1 Mesothelium Malignant mesothelioma tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 34 cases/68 cores 68 34 255
B-70Col-3 Colon Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal colon tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores 70 35 165
B-70Eso-1 Esophagus Esophagus cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal esophagus tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores 70 35 165
B-70Eso-2 Esophagus Multiple esophagus cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores 70 35 165
B-70Kid-1 Kidney Kidney cancer (grade I) tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores 70 35 225
B-70Kid-2 Kidney Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores 70 35 225
B-70Lun-2 Lung Lung cancer with necrosis tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 30 cases/30 cores 30 30 195
B-70Lun-3b Lung Lung small cell cancer tissue array (2015 WHO classification), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 8th edition), 44 cases/44 cores, replacing LC703a 44 44 225
B-80Sof-8 Brain Schwannoma (neurilemmoma or neurinoma) of central nerve tissue array, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 225
BC001113a Esophagus Esophagus, cardia cancer tissue array with normal tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 50 cases/50 cores, replacing BC001113 50 50 225
BC00116 Multiple_Organ Multiple organs tumor tissue array with adjacent normal tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 44 cases/48 cores 48 44 225
BC01071a Multiple_Organ Multiple organ cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 48 cases/48 cores, replacing BC01071 48 48 95
BC30013a Heart Heart disease and heart tissue array, 18 cases/36 cores, replacing BC30013 36 18 225
BCN601 Multiple_Organ Multiple organ cancer with normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores 60 60 255
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