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Image Name Category Description Cores Cases Price
B-120Eso-2 Esophagus Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma tissue array with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent esophagus tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 295
B-120Liv-1 Liver Liver cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 225
B-120Liv-2 Liver Liver cancer (inclding medication history) tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 315
B-120Lun-1 Lung Multiple lung cancer with lung tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (small cell carcinoma reference AJCC 8th), 118 cases/120 cores, replacing LC1201 120 118 255
B-120Lun-2 Lung Lung cancer tissue array with normal lung tissue, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage, 120 cases/120 cores 120 120 255
B-120Rec-1 Colon Colorectal cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 315
B-120Spl-1 Spleen Spleen tumor tissue array with cancer adjacent spleen tissue, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 355
B-120Spl-2 Spleen Spleen lymphoma tissue array with spleen tissue, 60 cases/120 cores 120 60 355
B-120Tma Melanoma Malignant melanoma tissue array with skin tissue, 50 cases/100 cores 100 50 255
B-126Lu1 Lung Lung cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 63 cases/126 cores 126 63 255
B-12Lun-1e Lung Non-small cell lung cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 120 cases/120 cores 120 120 345
B-12Lun-a Lung Lung cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases/12 cores, replacing VLC12 12 12 55
B-130Col-1 Colon Colon adenocarcinoma tissue array with colon inflammation and colon tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 100 cases/130 cores 130 100 315
B-140Liv-1 Liver Liver cancer with liver tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 116 cases/140 cores 140 116 295
B-140Sto-1 Stomach Stomach cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage, 140 cases/140 cores 140 140 445
B-140Ute-1 Intestine Small intestine carcinoma tissue array with small intestine tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 70 cases/140 cores 140 70 295
B-144Dig-1a Multiple_Organ Digestive system (esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas) cancer with matched adjacent normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 84 cases/144 cores, replacing GI1441 144 84 255
B-148Liv-1 Liver Liver cancer tissue array with normal tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 74 cases/148 cores 148 74 255
B-150Bal-1 Baldder Bladder cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 75 cases/150 cores 150 75 295
B-150Bre-3 Breast Breast cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 75 cases/150 cores 150 75 295
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