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Image Name Category Description Cores Cases Price
B-50Spl-1 Spleen Spleen tumor (primarily, metastasis) and normal tissue array, including pathology grade, 50 cases/50 cores 50 50 170
B-50Spl-1a Spleen Spleen tumor (primarily, metastasis) and normal tissue array, including pathology grade, 50 cases/50 cores 50 50 170
B-50Spl-2 Spleen Spleen tumor tissue array with matched or unmatched adjacent normal tissue, including pathology grade, 44 cases/50 cores 50 44 170
B-50Ute-1b Uterus Cervix cancer tissue array with cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 50 cases/50 cores, replacing CR501a 50 50 195
B-50Vul-1 Vulva Vulva tumor and normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 50 cases/50 cores 50 50 170
B-54Bal-1 Baldder Different stages bladder cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 27 cases/54 cores 54 27 255
B-54Fet-1 Fetus Fetal multiple organ normal tissue array, 14 cases/54 cores 54 14 165
B-55Liv-1 Liver Liver cancer (stage IV) with liver tissue array (2010 WHO classification), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 55 cases/55 cores 55 55 255
B-58Liv-1 Liver Primary liver cancer (stage I) with liver tissue array (2010 WHO classification), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 29 cases/58 cores 58 29 255
B-601Mul Multiple_Organ Multiple organ tumor and metastatic carcinoma tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores 60 60 255
B-60Bal-1 Baldder Bladder cancer (stage III-IV) tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores 60 60 225
B-60Bal-1b Baldder Bladder cancer (stage III-IV) tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores, replacing BL601a 60 60 225
B-60Col-1 Colon Colon cancer (stage I) with matched cancer adjacent colon tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 185
B-60Eso-1 Esophagus Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma tissue array with matched cancer adjacent esophagus tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 165
B-60Kid-1 Kidney Kidney clear cell cancer tissue array with matched kidney tissue, including pathology grade, TNM, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 255
B-60Kid-2 Kidney Different stage of kidney cancer tissue array with cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 225
B-60Mar-1 Bone-Marrow Bone marrow, spleen and lymph node tissue array, 30 cases/60 cores 60 30 225
B-60Ora-1d Oral-Cavity Oral cavity cancer tissue array with normal oral cavity tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores, replacing OR601c 60 60 215
B-60Ora-1e Oral-Cavity Oral cavity cancer tissue array with oral cavity tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 60 cases/60 cores 60 60 215
B-60Pen-1 Penis Penis disease spectrum (penis cancer progression) tissue array, including pathology grade, 59 cases/60 cores 60 59 255
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